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Assertive Yield Product Updates: 360 Panorama, AI Layouts, Cookie Deprecation Reports, and more!

Learn about AY’s latest product updates, such as Yield Manager’s New Version, AI Layouts, AI Monetization, AI Content Suggestions, and more innovative features to boost your ad revenue and user experience.

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Written By
Katia Moura Rodrigues

We're thrilled to bring you the latest roundup of Assertive Yield's (AY) product updates for H2/2023. Our team has been hard at work developing new features and enhancing existing ones to help you boost your ad revenue and enhance user experience. Let's dive into what's new!

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Product Updates Summary:

  1. 360 Panorama  
  2. Cookie Deprecation Report
  3. SSP reconciliation
  4. AI Layouts
  5. AI Ad Mediation
  6. Dynamic Flooring: New Version

Panorama: 4 New Reports to Revolutionize Your Operation

An exciting new feature is the Panorama, and 360 is the first report available for you. 

360 is a powerful report for comprehensive business optimization. An all-in-one control panel consolidating crucial KPIs for a holistic view, strategy, and revenue growth in 2024. Unifying pivotal metrics on a single page, this feature empowers you to dive into your key performance indicators, such as:

  • Revenue by Source: Pre-Bid Revenue (PBW), Dynamic Allocation or AdX + AdSense (DA), Direct Sales (D), Content Recommendation (CR), AdSense (AdS), Amazon (APS) or Nativo (NTV)
  • Engagement metrics: Unique Sessions, Page Views per Session, Scroll Depth, Bounce Rates and more;
  • Publishers KPIs: Session RPM (revenue per thousand impressions), PageView RPM, Ads per Pageview, Ads per Session, and more;
  • Advertiser KPIs: Viewability, CTR, Miss-Click rate, IVT rate;
  • Prebid KPIs: Bid Rate, Timeout Rate, Bid CPM, Win CPM, Request per Auction, Request Rate, Request Win RPM, and more;
  • Core Web Vitals: CLS, FID, LCP performance.
  • Page Load Performance: Avg. Network Time, Avg. Transfer Time, Avg. Server Time, Avg. DOM Processing Time, Avg. DOM Completion Time, and Avg. Page Load Time

Your team now has an overview dashboard to compare main Prebid, CWV, and Publisher KPIs performance on a weekly, daily, or monthly basis.

You can also segment A/B testing and traffic segmentation analysis by custom user segments (such as new or returning visitors), or by different traffic sources. 

Key Benefits:

  • Easily monitor and benchmark essential KPIs across sectors to boost overall business health. 
  • Evaluate bid performance with the most relevant KPIs, guaranteeing optimal monetization partnerships. 
  • Swiftly assess domain-specific KPIs for immediate identification of areas needing attention. 
  • Track campaign revenue by source and advertiser for informed decision-making. 

Empowered by a 360 Panoramic view, you and your team will further enhance your ability to elevate your strategic approach, ensuring growth and strategic success!

Access the Panorama Report now! Not a client yet? Reach out to our team to learn more.

Yield Manager 3.0: More powerful each quarter

Yield Manager, which goes beyond being just a wrapper, is evolving, becoming more powerful with every quarter. Our comprehensive ad revenue management solution for publishers is now equipped with exciting new features. Additionally, we've revamped our user interface layout to enhance your overall experience within our platform. Explore the key updates in Yield Manager:

Unlimited Refresh Controls

Configure your refresh rules without any limits, amplifying the yield of high-impact ads while maintaining lower refresh times for other ads. Dive into the intricacies of ad unit refresh rules with the latest update from Yield Manager.

The all-new Refresh Controls are now available in the Beta branch, offering complete control over the refresh interval. You can set configurable refresh rules based on the winning impression, including Prebid bidder, creative size, and GAM types like order. Assign refresh control groups to one or multiple ad units, all while retaining the option to establish a simple static refresh interval.

Top Viewability Scores

Achieve outstanding viewability scores and rapid ad rendering through ad prefetching and various other optimizations.

According to CEO Nils Lind, "With Yield Manager, publishers no longer face the dilemma of choosing between buying or building their own solutions; instead, they can seamlessly integrate both options, crafting a tailored solution that precisely meets their unique needs."

For those who are not users yet, here's more about our all-in-one solution:

• Powerful Wrapper: Yield Manager provides 11 solutions in one - Tag Manager, Web Analytics, Dynamic Flooring, Reporting, AdRefresh, and more. All of our solutions operate with optimized caching, accelerated site speed, superior ad performance, and user experience.

• Automated Optimizations at User Level: Our machine learning autonomously fine-tunes demand partners/SSPs based on real-time performance, ensuring constant adaptation for superior revenue outcomes.

• Hosted on the Edge: Our cloud-hosted wrapper ensures swift processing, accommodates numerous bidders across multiple ad units, and enhances overall efficiency.

• Safe & Flexible: AY offers near-unlimited dedicated workspaces within our servers. Experience agile development, seamless testing, and complete customization, all while safeguarding from tech glitches and security threats.

• Seamless Integration & Expert Support: Integrate Yield Manager in a week, see results by the 4th. Our team of 15+ ad tech engineers and customer services provides expert support, addressing bugs, creating innovative features, and fine-tuning strategies to align with industry best practices for optimal performance.

• Customer-Centric & Disruptive Product Roadmaps: Consider us an extension of your team – your innovation hub.

• Agnostic & Unbiased Demand: We're fully agnostic, fostering direct relationships between you and demand sources. Unlike competitors, we facilitate introductions without taking cuts or referrals—your monetization, your way.

Start testing in just one week, and witness astonishing results by the third Connect with Our Experts

Cookie Deprecation Report: Your Guide Through Cookieless Adaptation

Yield Intelligence introduces a crucial feature – the "Cookie Deprecation Report," guiding you through the transition to a cookieless environment.

This tool empowers you to track and analyze variations in key metrics such as Revenue Per Thousand Impressions (RPM) and Revenue per Visit (Session RPM) for users with and without third-party cookies, as well as the Topics API, Google's Privacy Sandbox solution.

The report categorizes user groups based on their cookie usage: those without cookies and with the Topics API, those without cookies and the Topics API, and those still utilizing third-party cookies. Additionally, gain insights into the topics or interest areas associated with users not tracked by cookies. Deepen your understanding of how the shift away from third-party cookies impacts your user engagement and revenue.

To delve into adapting to a cookieless landscape, explore the dedicated report on Cookie Deprecation or reach out to AY support.

AI Layouts: Unlock More Speed, Engagement, and Revenue

Inside Yield Manager, the latest feature, AI Layouts, strikes the perfect balance between ad monetization and user experience, maximizing ad revenue while minimizing bounce rates. Harness the power of AI Monetization, AI Content Suggestions, Brand Safety, and Ad Copy Matching for an enhanced user experience.

AI Layouts is crafted to assist publishers in efficiently managing multiple domain layouts within a single system. Leveraging edge computing and multiple caching methods, AI Layouts improve loading times and reduce rendered code, resulting in pages faster than Google AMP (with loading times as low as 20 milliseconds!).

CEO Nils Lind of Assertive Yield explains, "It is ideal for publishers that manage many different websites and layouts. They don’t have to manually integrate and optimize all layouts. We can overwrite layouts to ensure they follow the same standards."

Using WordPress for multiple domains isn't straightforward. In AI Layouts, publishers can use just one WordPress instance with different domains, each with a different, highly optimized layout.

“We don’t want publishers to have to migrate their existing CMS. We just have access to the API to import all data and fetch your content,” he adds.

AI also aids in targeting the best ad banner formats on infinite scroll, considering Content Rec vs. Next Article or Paragraph. This is achieved while employing predictive AI models to estimate how long a user will stay on the page and predict display and video revenue based on user behavior.

Setting up your domain and data sources is all you need to do. What you can expect:

• Better user experience and page speed • Up to a 60% increase in revenue per visit, particularly from longer sessions. • Extended session time and engagement, coupled with increased fill rates and ad revenue. • Lower bounce rates • Monetization is comparable to regular pages (unlike Accelerated Mobile Pages).

Better user experience with content suggestions

In elevating the user experience on a page, AI Layouts utilize Large Language Models (LLM) to scan context and revenue data. It selects the best next article and ads based on user characteristics (such as new or returning users), article type, and the likelihood of user engagement with different ad formats (banner, click-to-play, auto-play video, or sticky ad).

AY’s algorithms, depending on demand situations and user behavior predictions, determine layout configurations that promise long-term revenue gains. This update allows for highly personalized page layouts, driven by user-level data, resulting in:

• Longer visit times • Higher engagement • Enhanced value for advertisers • Increased revenue • No warm-up time\

Easily get started by simply setting up your domain and data sources to start managing diverse layouts across multiple domains, ensuring full personalization with ad sizes and formats for optimized revenue and user experience.

Nils Lind, CEO at Assertive Yield, notes, "There are too many placements, configurations, and layout combinations, making it challenging for publishers and advertisers to comprehend what is working. Most of the time, they base their decisions on a combination of domain performance and creative size."

"At AY, we are precise about the inventory we manage. Understanding the complete user lifecycle allows us to optimize not just specific placements or websites for improved revenue, but the entire user session," he adds.

Check out AI Layouts within Yield Manager!

AI Mediation:  Switch from CPM to CPC or CPA & CPL at the right time with ease

Are you grappling with the challenge of maximizing revenue through effective mediation between various types of demand?

We understand that this poses a significant challenge for publishers. With numerous types of demand available, such as CPM demand with banners and displays or CPA and CPC demand, ensuring proper competition among them can be complex.

Our latest AI Mediation feature tackles this challenge by analyzing user behavior and seamlessly transitioning between CPM and CPC at the opportune moment. By discerning user intent, we elevate eCPMs, fill rates, and Revenue per Session and per Minute of engagement.

According to Nils, "Publishers now have a robust opportunity to mediate between different revenue sources, with Prebid being a significant one. They can leverage their first-party data to better understand when it's more advantageous to use the CPA versus CPM campaign."

This enhancement significantly improves overall campaign efficiency and ad monetization. Publishers are no longer solely reliant on external parties with limited data; they can now mediate demand with a lower margin of error.

Dynamic Flooring 3.0: Lighter, and even more precise

We've elevated our Dynamic Flooring product with advanced AI algorithms. This version employs sophisticated machine-learning models to establish individualized floor prices.

In contrast to traditional manual methods, our Yield Optimizer offers unprecedented flexibility in setting floors, not only on GAM but also on Amazon and Prebid. This broader scope enables publishers to effortlessly navigate a multi-platform landscape, catering to each partner's unique demands—all in one place.

Our solution continually learns and enhances its ability to determine the right floor at the right time by conducting real-time predictions for every impression. This is not limited to each visit or updating rules every hour but extends to every single bid request happening on the display side, executed in real-time.

Explore the features of the latest Refresh Controls (Beta), empowering you with complete command over the refresh interval. Tailor your experience with configurable rules by winning impression,  you can now decide when to refresh direct ads or extend their visibility duration. Or even customize rules based on specific orders or advertisers, assigning Refresh Control groups to single or multiple ad units. Maintain flexibility with the option to set a simple static refresh interval.

While the majority of flooring systems in the market rely on rule-based approaches with manually adjusted parameters, Assertive Yield offers a frequently trained machine-learning model.

According to Nils Lind, "This is a relatively advanced implementation method capable of handling quick changes within traffic and CPM changes effectively, adapting swiftly to known events as well as unknown events."

Financial & SSP Monitoring: New SSP Connections Report

We have updated our SSP Connections Report and connections to multiple SSPs. Connect your SSPs and let the AY platform automatically maintain bid adjustments based on discrepancies between bid and payment amounts in your ad stack. Set alerts to receive notifications for relevant discrepancies, enabling immediate action on any issues.

With this feature, your team can monitor and compare data to acknowledge real-time incremental data and discrepancies in SSP revenue, as compared to how much the bidder is winning on the site. This saves a tremendous amount of time to build the connections yourself and compare them with GAM data. 

Once you have connected the partners, you can also set alerts on a percentage of discrepancy you identify as significant, and also create a dashboard to share with your partner SSPs so that they can explore the issue further without asking you constantly for more data. 

Check out your  SSP Connections Report or reach out to us!

If you are curious to know more about our new features and products, schedule a meeting with our team! Are you already a client and want to try these new features? Reach out to AY Support!

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