Data playing a complete new role in your business

Unlimited cross-analysis of multiple dimensions and metrics

Revenue collected from multiple sources? Traffic information with custom dimensions? Spend data with ROI? Monitoring IVT, 2-click penalty, and Core Web Vitals? Analyze them all in one place, or divide them into dashboards.

No credit card required

Unique Data for Every Unique Team!

Explore in depth the numerous data points available in Yield Intelligence Analytics. Create separate dashboards with multiple charts, filters, and metrics. Share them with the team or clients and save time on pulling various data sources and visualizing them each time.

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5 Chart Types

Unlimited Dashboards

Choose a chart type and create your dash by selecting data among any dimension, or metric, such as Impressions, Revenue, Prebid, ROI, and Prebid Heatmapmap.

Across dimensions and metrics

Highly Customizable Dashboards

Unlimited dashboards for you to analyze 300+ dimensions and metrics in different time zones, all in one place, combining all your revenue streams. Add bar or line graphics, maps, tables, notes, website URLs, or images to aggregate more visual data to your dashboard.

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Boards with Custom Dimensions

Ready to use templates

15+ ready to use templates to monitor your KPIs. Keep track of your ROI, Revenue, Impressions, Invalid Traffic, Partner's Performance, Floors, Core Vitals, Confirmed Clicks, Direct Sales, Editorial team performance and much more...

SHAring and reporting

Boards Management

Invite your clients and teams, define roles, and manage access. Lock dashboards and enable only visualization or allow editing.

Share and showcase your revenue increase results in real-time!

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We aim to provide high quality data

And all this in a matter of minutes. Bypass time-consuming, complex technical tasks to provide the data required for successful monetization.

Moreover, you will get enormous Granular Data like you have never seen before.

Slice & Dice the Data Cube

Overcome analytics limits: slice, and dice your data as needed to answer the widest variety of questions that are relevant to you. Segment your data by defining complex filtering logics across several dimensions and metrics.

Real-Time Monitoring Alerts

Monitor and act instantly on issues by creating unlimited triggers across dimensions and metrics. Define ranges, choose between the 3 severity levels and be notified in real-time when anomalies happens.

All Revenue, All in Real-Time

Your ultimate solution for data collection, cleaning, and consolidation. Analyze header bidding, banners, videos, affiliate and native micro-transactions using first-party data in real-time.

Industry Insights

Leverage your strategy with AY Programmatic Index, compare demand spendings, CPM, media type, device, creative size and benchmark best practices to ensure growth above the market.

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